A few weeks ago Linka, the Cracow-based reporter of globspot.hu started the following topic in the 'Cracovian Hungarians' group on Facebook: 'I would like to write my next article about culture shock, to which I would like to collect your ideas. What came as the biggest surprise when you moved to Cracow?' Scores of people commented on the post, new observations were arriving for days about the strange or unpleasant customs of the Poles – as if the accumulated impressions had suddenly started flowing from everyone.
A couple of days ago Linka's article was published on the internet: http://globspot.hu/muvelodj/kultursokk-a-lengyelek-furcsasagairol/ with the scientific background of cultural sock, the explanation of some typically Polish phenomena and, of course, a few samples from the data collection on Facebook. ('S.' means me.) On this occasion I decided to gather my own shocking experiences too. (This one will be a post of quite negative mood, but I promise that the next one will be about flowers and little lambs.)